PKT Diving - Supporting PADI AWARE Shark and Ray Census

By Emma Hudson

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Supporting the AWARE Foundation's effort in marine conservation

At PKT Divng, we are raising funds to support the AWARE Foundation's incredible efforts in the launch of the Global Shark and Ray Census program. 

How will the Global Shark & Ray Census work?

The program invites everyone in or on the water (divers and non-divers) to contribute data by logging sightings of any shark and ray species they encounter or monitoring specific sites to track population trends. Following collection, the data undergoes rigorous scientific analysis and is used to advocate for the adequate protection of vulnerable shark and ray species, thus promoting healthy populations.

The Global Shark & Ray Census data will:       

  • Identify priority species and areas for our ongoing conservation efforts
  • Show trends of shark and ray populations and advance critical research
  • Help governments monitor and meet their shark protection commitments
  • Expand critical shark and ray habitat protection measures and contribute towards the development of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)                         
  • Advance sustainable and responsible shark and ray tourism, helping to protect livelihoods and contribute towards local and national economies
  • Preserving indigenous culture
You can follow this link to find out more about this incredible program  -

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